Intra College Chess Competition

November 26, 2023
Intra College Chess Competition
Organized by: Athletic Club
The chess competition held on 20 March 2023 and 21 March 2023 at King's College was a huge success with 12 players participating in the Swiss System tournament. The event was held at the King's Program hall, which was the perfect venue for such a competition.
The competition started on 20 March 2023, with three rounds being played on the first day. The remaining two rounds were played on 21 March 2023. The players were very competitive and played their best in each round. The competition was judged by Mr. Dipesh Giri, who is a National Instructor and National Arbiter of Chess. He also helped in planning the entire tournament
The competition was tough, and all the players gave their best effort to win. At the end of the five rounds, Miroj Tuladhar emerged as the winner of the tournament with a total of 4.5 points. He was followed closely by Hansa Singh, who finished in second place with 4 points. Anubhav Acharya came in third place with 3.5 points. The winners were awarded medals, certificates, and the winner received an additional chess board. The judges were also given a Token of Love for their hard work and contribution to the event.

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